Investment ideas
We select and offer only the best ideas of different types: IPO, algorithmic strategies, cryptocurrencies and other

A leader in the field of space technology
Current price:32,00%
Min. amount5000€
High riskcompany
Company value 2017-2020

Exclusive Portfolio
Balanced portfolio risk / profit
Current price:N/A
Min. amount€250000
Low risksector

Platinum portfolio
Balanced portfolio risk/profit
Current price:N/A
Min. amount€100000
Low risksector

Gold Portfolio
Balanced risk/return portfolio
Current price:N/A
Min. amount€50000
Low risksector

Portfolio Silver
Balanced portfolio risk / profit
Current price:N/A
Min. amount€25000
Low risksector
The principle of operation ideas
Pick up the best idea for investment: algorithmic strategies, crypto-currencies, bonds, IPOs, stocks, OTC or strategy Type C.

Technology Sector
The best technology companies in the US
Current price:35,00%
Min. amount4000€
Low risksector

Fear Index
Earn on non-standard index
Current price:35,00%
Min. amount6000€
Medium riskIndexes